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Operators and Keywords

Function List:


NEWS for 'generate_html' Package

Return to the 'generate_html' package

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.3.3:

 ** Fix non-cuddling ++ operators to work with Octave >= 7..

 ** Dont duplicate demo figures in following non figure demos. (Bug #58126)

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.3.2:

 ** Fix empty '{}' to work with Octave >= 6..

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.3.1:

 ** Add lacking information to the informational json file (this file
    is written since version 0.3.0 of generate_html).

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.3.0:

 ** Nested namespaces and classes under namespaces are now handled in
    generating the alphabetical function database.

 ** Toplevel functions are now in separate files of the alphabetic
    function database, and in the same directory tree as classes and

 ** Function html helptexts are now in a directory tree corresponding
    to that of the alphabetic function database.

 ** Add repository link to index page.

 ** In the individual options, as returned by `get_html_options' and
    used in html generation, replacement strings ("%...") are not
    considered anymore. Instead, options can be anonymous functions
    which use their arguments to configure the output string. So if
    users manually changed options with replacements, they have to do
    it differently now; looking into the `get_html_options.m' file
    will help to figure out the correct way.

 ** Add Octave Forge stylesheet, icons, and javascript files.

 ** Page margins of Octave Forge additional package documentation are
    now configurable with the Octave Forge stylesheet.

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.2.0:

 ** New function `check_duplicates' checks for duplicate symbols by
    querying a server at Octave Forge.

 ** New function `urlview' asynchroneously starts a browser for an
    url, supports sending parameters with POST and GET methods.

 ** Vectorize generation of alphabetic function database.

 ** Make alphabetic databases for class methods and namespaced
    functions, too.

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.1.13:

 ** Changes to the package index page

    o generate_package_html: Make icons clickable.

 ** Change URLs

    o get_html_options: Use the new https URLs for the octave-forge
      (default) style.

 ** Bug fixes

    o html_help_text, generate_package_html: Handle undocumented

    o generate_html_manual (get_txi_files): Ignore
      version-octave.texi, which was previously named version.texi.

 ** Improve release Makefile

    o Makefile: Make release tarballs reproducible

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.1.12:

 ** New option for generate_package_html

    o generate_package_html, get_html_options: Add new field
      'older_versions_download' to the option structure.
      This field makes it possible for packages to customize (or
      suppress) the "older versions" download link, which is actually
      Octave Forge-specific (patch #8984).

 ** Changes to the package index page

    o generate_package_html: The content of the optional "url" field
      of the DESCRIPTION file is now shown beneath the news link
      (patch #8990).

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.1.11:

 ** Content of autoload field not shown anymore

    o generate_package_html: index.html no longer displays autoload
      information (and there is no other place in the generated HTML
      with that information).  The main reasons for this change are:

       1) there are no Octave Forge packages that autoload anymore,

       2) support for autoload of packages will be completely removed
          in Octave 4.2.x.

 ** New option for generate_package_html

    o generate_package_html, get_html_options: Add new field
      'package_doc_options' to the option structure (patch #9002).
      This field makes it possible to pass options to makeinfo when
      building the package documentation.

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.1.10:

 ** Bug fixes

    o generate_package_html: Fixed title of copying and news page.

    o generate_package_html: Support multiple image references per line (to copy
      images into the output directory).

 ** Other changes

    o generate_package_html: Short description has been updated for redesign of
      Octave-Forge package overview page (patch #8787).  Short description is
      made of the first sentence from the full package desription.

    o generate_package_html: Package documentation may use vector graphics (svg
      images, bug #45628).

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.1.9:

 ** Bug fixes

    o generate_package_html: Add missing "alt" attribute to <img> tags in

    o html_help_text: Fix crash for demos in @class methods (bug #44972).

    o generate_package_html: Fix crash when options.include_package_news is

    o texi2html: Fix a bug that caused tex2html to output an empty page with
      TexInfo 4.x when there is only one @deftypefn and no following
      @deftypefnx (bug #45530).

    o generate_package_html: Fix a bug that prevented generate_package_html from
      being run twice when package_doc contains images (bug #45111).

    o html_help_text: Use a simple deterministic counter to enumerate images
      instead of a random number (thus avoiding the risk of having one image
      overwritten by another one).

 ** Other changes

    o generate_package_html: Better-looking "News" and "Package documentation"
      links (patch #8698).

    o generate_package_html: Improve dependencies display: also display system
      requirements (bug #45499).

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.1.8:

 ** Bug fixes

    o html_help_text.m, texi2html.m: Fix a bug that was the cause of unmatched
      </p> tags in the HTML output.

    o get_html_options.m: Fix default header (add !DOCTYPE, charset, etc.)
      and Octave Forge header (unordered <ul> </ul> lists are not allowed to be
      nested in <p> </p> blocks).

** Other changes

    o html_help_text.m: Now entirely based on texi2html.m

    o texi2html.m: Use <dt class="deftypefn"> </dt> blocks both with TexInfo 4.x
      and with TexInfo 5.x.

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.1.7:

 ** Bug fixes

    o Omit the "News" link if there is no NEWS file, instead of generating an
      error (the NEWS file is optional, according to the manual)

    o Fix broken links on the NEWS, COPYING and overview pages (the link that
      was supposed to point to the index.html of the package)

    o Protect symbols <, > and & by replacing them with the corresponding HTML
      entity (&lt;, &gt; and &amp;) everywhere it makes sense

    o get_txi_files.m: Update the list of ignored *.texi files

    o generate_package_html.m: Let email addresses appear if they exist in
      DESCRIPTION (they were previously hidden because of the < > delimiters)

    o generate_package_html.m: Fix anchor names

    o html_help_text.m: Hide figures only if gnuplot is in use (see bug #33180)

    o html_help_text.m: Prevent empty <pre> </pre> blocks (bug #44451)

 ** New features

    o Introduce a new %charset variable for header template, which defaults to
      utf-8 (instead of the hard-coded iso-8859-1 that was previously in use)

 ** Documentation

    o Add generate_operators to the INDEX

    o Provide minimal (one-line) help text for generate_html_manual

 ** Cleanup

    o Remove obsolete function generate_alphabet

    o Remove unused "docbrowser" style

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.1.6:

 ** Create page with content of each package NEWS file.

 ** Create package documentation in html from Texinfo sources in doc/.
    Note that this is the package documentation/manual, and in addition
    to the help text of individual functions.

 ** Fix broken links from the pages of methods of a @class type, to the
    package index package.

 ** Link on each page header to the source of Octave Forge now points to
    the code page of Octave Forge website.  It previously pointed to the
    SVN repository in Sourceforge which has been retired.

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.1.5:

 ** Updated link for the Octave Forge SVN repository.

Summary of important user-visible changes for generate_html 0.1.4:

 ** HTML pages with documentation of each function now mention the
    package that the function belongs too and have a link for the
    package main page.

 ** Autoload field when generating a package index.html page is now

 ** keywords on the `See also:' will be interpreted properly (rather
    than just function names).

Package: generate_html