Function File: check_duplicates (pkgname)
Function File: check_duplicates ()
Function File: check_duplicates (options)
Function File: check_duplicates (pkgname, options)

Query Octave Forge website to check for duplicate symbols.

With the name of a locally installed package as argument pkgname, check for symbols (function names except class methods and functions under a namespace, class base names, and namespace names) of this package which are also used by another package at Octave Forge or by Octave.

Without arguments, check for duplications of such symbols among Octave and all packages at Octave Forge.

options is a structure whose fields correspond to the following possible options:


Cell array of package names at Octave Forge which are excluded from the check. If the argument pkgname was given, this packages symbols are retrieved locally, therefore this package will be automatically excluded from the symbol search at Octave Forge.


Cell array of symbols (without any @ or + prefix for class basenames or namespace names). If given, only these symbols are checked.


Use this browser instead of trying to find one.


If given and true, results are displayed as text and no html browser is started.


Used instead of the default URL of Octave Forge.

The result is displayed in the HTML browser specified with option browser or found by this function. The browser must have javascript enabled. If option text_only is given and true, a simplified text version of the result is displayed and no HTML browser is started.

If an output argument is given, a cell array is returned with the symbol names in the first column and the corresponding package names in the second column.

Note that checking for class basenames and namespace names at Octave Forge requires that the generate_html package of a version greater than 0.1.13 had been used to generate the package documentations.

Package: generate_html