
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


 im2 = myimage (im,...) - Make im viewable by normalizing greylevels and more

 Scales the values of im so that they range in [0,255]. The smallest element
 of im (or range(1), if the "range" option is used) is mapped to zero, and the
 largest (or range(2)) is mapped to 255.

 If both dimensions are less than 180, 

 If the save option is not used, and nargout is 0, then im2 will be displayed,
 rather than returned. NaN and Inf pixels become black or, if the image is
 saved as a .png or .gif, transparent.
 "range", [min,max]   : Graylevel range to be mapped to 0:255. 
 "qrange", [minq,maxq]: Map quantiles between minq and maxq to 0 and 255.
 "minsz", [Rows,Cols] : Minimum dims of im2. im will be scale by an integral
                        factor so that at least one of its dimensions matches
                        minsz.                Default: [180 180]
 "scl",   scl         : Scale image size up (scl>1) or down (scl<1)
 "invert"             : Invert image (black becomes white and vice versa).

 "is_col"             : Color image, consecutive rows being R, G and B.
 "colormap",          : Convert greylevel image to a 'rainbow' colormap

 "show_range"         : Place a graylevel scale below image.
 "scale_sz",sz        : Width of graylevel scale. Implies show_range.

 "text", [x,y], str   : Annotate image with str, at position x,y, with size sz
 "text", [x,y,sz],str     
 "line", [x,y,x,y,R,G,B,W] or
 "line", [x,y,x,y,R,G,B]   or
 "line", [x,y,x,y,C,W]     or
 "line", [x,y,x,y,C]       or
 "line", [x,y,x,y]  

 "save",    filename  : Save im2 in filename.
 "display", yesno     : Display im2 or not. Default: False iff save requested
                        or nargout!=0. 

 EXAMPLES: type "demo myimage" to run the examples below
 myimage (randn(3,3),                    "show_range")
 myimage (rand(9,3),                     "is_col")
 myimage (randn(32,32),                  "minsz",[32,50])
 myimage (ones(64,1)*linspace(0,1,256),  "colormap")
 myimage (linspace(0,3,256)'*ones(1,64), "range",[3 1])
 myimage (zeros(200,200), "text",[10,20],">> 1 + pi\nans = 4.1416\n>>")

 im = kron (ones(4), kron (eye(2),ones(10)));
 im += ones (80,1)*linspace(0,1/2,80);
 myimage (im,"text",[11,5],"Hello","text", [10,30,30],"world")

 FIXME: scl < 1 seems to be buggy