Loadable Function: z = gsl_sf_dilog (arg1)
Loadable Function: [z, err] = gsl_sf_dilog (…)

Computes the dilogarithm for a real argument. In Lewin’s notation this is Li_2(x), the real part of the dilogarithm of a real x. It is defined by the integral representation

Li_2(x) = - \Re \int_0^x ds \log(1-s) / s.

Note that \Im(Li_2(x)) = 0 for x <= 1, and -\pi\log(x) for x > 1.

Note that Abramowitz & Stegun refer to the Spence integral S(x)=Li_2(1-x) as the dilogarithm rather than Li_2(x).

err contains an estimate of the absolute error in the value z.

This function is from the GNU Scientific Library, see http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ for documentation.

Package: gsl