Get a snapshot from a videoinput object buffer. Streaming has to be enabled before calling getsnapshot. If preview==true the captured image is also shown in a separate FLTK window.
Captured image. The type and size of img depends on the VideoFormat
property of vi.
H and W below refers to the height and width returned from get(VI, "VideoResolution")
, RGB24
HxWx3 uint8 matrix with RGB values
, YUV422
scalar struct with fieldnames Y, Cb and Cr. The horizontal resolution of Cb and Cr is half the horizontal resolution of Y.
, YVU420
, YU12
, YUV420
scalar struct with fieldnames Y, Cb and Cr. The horizontal and vertical resolution of Cb and Cr is half the resolution of Y.
uint8 row vector with compressed MJPEG data. The length may vary from frame to frame due to compression. You can save this as JPEG (add a huffman table) with
obj = videoinput("v4l2", "/dev/video0"); set (obj, "VideoFormat", "MJPG"); start (obj); img = getsnapshot (obj); save_mjpeg_as_jpg ("capture.jpg", img);
Set by the driver, counting the frames (not fields!) in sequence.
For input streams this is time when the first data byte was captured, as returned by the clock_gettime() function for the relevant clock id.
Timecode, see
See also: @videoinput/start, @videoinput/preview.
The following code
obj = videoinput ("v4l2", __test__device__); # see set(obj,"VideoFormat","YUYV") start(obj) img = getsnapshot(obj); tmp = cat (3, img.Y, kron(img.Cb, [1 1]), kron(img.Cr, [1 1])); # convert to RGB with octave-forge image function ycbcr2rgb pkg load image rgb = ycbcr2rgb (tmp, "709"); image(rgb) title ("YUYV, Standard 709") stop(obj)
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
Package: image-acquisition