Convolve 2 dimensional signals using the FFT.
This method is faster but less accurate than conv2 for large a and b. It also uses more memory. A small complex component will be introduced even if both a and b are real.
See also: conv2, fftconv, fft, ifft.
The following code
## Draw a cross z = zeros (101, 101); z(50, :) = 1; z(:, 50) = 1; subplot (1, 3, 1) imshow (z); title ("Original thin cross") ## Draw a sinc blob b = getheight (strel ("ball", 10, 1)); subplot (1, 3, 2) imshow (b); title ("Sync blob") ## Convolve the cross with the blob fc = real (fftconv2 (z, b, "same")); subplot (1, 3, 3) imshow (fc, [min(fc(:)) max(fc(:))]) title ("Convolution in the frequency domain")
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
Package: image