Calculate the straight line Hough transform of a binary image I.
The angles are given in radians and default to -pi/2:pi/2.
H is the resulting Hough transform, and R is the radial distances.
The algorithm is described in Digital Image Processing by Gonzales & Woods (2nd ed., p. 587)
For a Matlab compatible Hough transform see hough.m
The following code
I = zeros(100, 150); I(30,:) = 1; I(:, 65) = 1; I(35:45, 35:50) = 1; for i = 1:90, I(i,i) = 1;endfor I = imnoise(I, 'salt & pepper'); imshow(I); J = houghtf(I); J = J / max(J(:)); imshow(J);
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
Package: image