Function File: BW = roicolor (A, low, high)
Function File: BW = roicolor (A,v)

Select a Region Of Interest of an image based on color.

BW = roicolor(A,low,high) selects a region of interest (ROI) of an image A returning a black and white image in a logical array (1 for pixels inside ROI and 0 outside ROI), which is formed by all pixels whose values lie within the colormap range specified by [low high].

BW = roicolor(A,v) selects a region of interest (ROI) formed by all pixels that match values in v.

Demonstration 1

The following code

 % Returns '1' where input values are between 2 and 4 (both included).

gives an example of how 'roicolor' is used.

Package: image