Function File: viscircles (centers, radii)
Function File: viscircles (hax, centers, radii)
Function File: viscircles (…, property, value)
Function File: h = viscircles (…)

Draw circles on figure.

Circles are specified by a Nx2 matrix centers with x,y coordinates per row, and a N length vector radii.

## draw circles at [10 20] and [-10 -20] coordinates
## with radius of 10 and 20 respectively
viscircles ([10 20; -10 -20], [10 20])

The appearance of the drawn circles can be configured with the following properties names:


The color of the circle. Defaults to "red". Can be defined via the color names or RGB triplets. See the help text for plot for further details on specifying colors in figures.


The line style of the circle. Defaults to "-" (solid line). See the help text for plot for possible values.


The width of the circle line. Defaults to 2.


Enhance visibility by drawing a white circle under the colored circle. Must be a logical value. Defaults to true.

See also: plot, line.

Demonstration 1

The following code

 centers = randi ([0 100], 5, 2);
 radii = randi ([10 100], 5, 1);
 axis equal
 viscircles (centers, radii,
             "Color", "magenta",
             "LineStyle", ":",
             "LineWidth", 5);
 title ("5 random circles");
 # the figure window shows 5 circles with random
 # radii and positions

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Package: image