Function File: rgb = xyz2rgb (xyz)
Function File: rgb_map = xyz2rgb (xyz_map)

Transform a colormap or image from CIE XYZ to sRGB color space.

A color in the CIE XYZ color space consists of three values X, Y and Z. Those values are designed to be colorimetric, meaning that their values do not depend on the display device hardware.

A color in the RGB space consists of red, green, and blue intensities. The output RGB values are calculated to be nonlinear sRGB values with the white point D65. This means the output values are in the colorimetric (sRGB) colorspace.

Input values of class single and double are acceptecd. The shape and the class of the input are conserved.

note: outside the definition range (0<=R, G, B<=1) this function might return different (but also nonsense) values than Matlab.

See also: rgb2xyz, rgb2lab, rgb2hsv, rgb2ind, rgb2ntsc.

Package: image