Convert YCbCr color space to RGB.
The conversion changes the image YCbCr or colormap YCbCrmap, from the YCbCr (luminance, chrominance blue, and chrominance red) color space to RGB values. YCbCr must be of class double, single, uint8, or uint16.
The formula used for the conversion is dependent on two constants, Kb and Kr which can be specified individually, or according to existing standards:
According to the ITU-R BT.601 (formerly CCIR 601) standard. Its values of Kb and Kr are 0.114 and 0.299 respectively.
According to the ITU-R BT.709 standard. Its values of Kb and Kr are 0.0722 and 0.2116 respectively.
According to the ITU-R BT.2020 standard. Its values of Kb and Kr are 0.0593 and 0.2627 respectively.
See also: hsv2rgb, ntsc2rgb, rgb2hsv, rgb2ntsc, rgb2ycbcr.
Package: image