usage: nvol = cquadnd (fun,lowerlim,upperlim,nquad); n -- number of dimensions to integrate nvol -- value of the n-dimensional integral fun -- fun(x) (function to be integrated) in this case treat
usage: [bp,wf]=crule(m) This function computes Gauss-Chebyshev base points and weight factors using the algorithm given by somebody in 'SomeBook', page 365, Academic Press, 1975, but modified
area = gquad (fun,xlow,xhigh,mparts,bp,wf) or area = gquad (fun,xlow,xhigh,mparts,nquad) or area = gquad (fun,xlow,xhigh,mparts,bp,wf,y) This function evaluates the integral of an ext
usage: vol = gquad2d(fun,xlow,xhigh,ylow,yhigh,bpx,bpy,wfxy) or vol = gquad2d(fun,xlow,xhigh,ylow,yhigh,nquadx,nquady) This function evaluates the integral of an externally defined func
usage: nvol = gquadnd (fun,lowerlim,upperlim,nquad); n -- number of dimensions to integrate nvol -- value of the n-dimensional integral fun -- fun(x) (function to be integrated) in this case trea
[bp,wf]=grule(n) This function computes Gauss base points and weight factors using the algorithm given by Davis and Rabinowitz in 'Methods of Numerical Integration', page 365, Academic Press,