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Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Method on @infsup: display (X)

Display the variable name and value of interval X.

Interval boundaries are approximated with faithful decimal numbers.

If X is a variable, the interval is display together with its variable name. The variable name is followed by an equality sign if all decimal boundaries exactly represent the actual boundaries. Otherwise a subset symbol is used instead (this feature is not available on Microsoft Windows).

For non-scalar intervals the size and classification (interval vector, interval matrix or interval array) is displayed before the content.

display (infsupdec (2));
  ⇒ [2]_com
x = infsupdec (2); display (x);
  ⇒ x = [2]_com
y = infsupdec (eps); display (y);
  ⇒ y ⊂ [2.2204e-16, 2.2205e-16]_com
z = infsupdec (pascal (2)); display (z);
  ⇒ z = 2×2 interval matrix
     [1]_com   [1]_com
     [1]_com   [2]_com

See also: @infsup/disp, intervaltotext.

Package: interval