Method on @infsup: max (X)
Method on @infsup: max (X, Y)
Method on @infsup: max (X, [], DIM)

Compute the maximum value chosen from intervals.

This function does not return the greatest element of the interval (see sup), but returns an interval enclosure of the function:

max (x, y) = ( (x + y) + abs (x - y) ) / 2

With two arguments the function is applied element-wise. Otherwise the maximum is computed for all interval members along dimension DIM, which defaults to the first non-singleton dimension.

Accuracy: The result is a tight enclosure.

x = infsup (2, 3);
y = infsup (1, 2);
max (x, y)
  ⇒ ans = [2, 3]

See also: @infsup/min.

Package: interval