Method on @infsup: mpower (X, Y)
Operator on @infsup: X ^ Y

Return the matrix power operation of X raised to the Y power.

If X is a scalar, this function and power are equivalent. Otherwise, X must be a square matrix and Y must be a single integer.

Warning: This function is not defined by IEEE Std 1788-2015.

Accuracy: The result is a valid enclosure. The result is tightest for Y in {0, 1, 2}.

infsup (magic (3)) ^ 2
  ⇒ ans = 3×3 interval matrix
     [91]   [67]   [67]
     [67]   [91]   [67]
     [67]   [67]   [91]

See also: @infsup/pow, @infsup/pown, @infsup/pow2, @infsup/pow10, @infsup/exp.

Package: interval