Compute the p-norm (or p,q-norm) of the matrix A.
If A is a matrix:
1-norm, the largest column sum of the absolute values of A.
Infinity norm, the largest row sum of the absolute values of A.
Frobenius norm of A, sqrt (sum (diag (A' * A)))
If A is a vector or a scalar:
max (abs (A))
min (abs (A))
Frobenius norm of A, sqrt (sumsq (abs (A)))
Hamming norm - the number of nonzero elements.
P > 1
p-norm of A, (sum (abs (A) .^ P)) ^ (1/P)
P < 1
p-pseudonorm defined as above.
It Q is used, compute the subordinate matrix norm induced by the
vector p-norm and vector q-norm. The subordinate p,q-norm is defined as the
maximum of norm (A * x, Q)
, where x can be
chosen such that norm (x, P) = 1
. For P = 1
and Q = inf
this is the max norm,
max (max (abs (A)))
If OPT is the value "rows", treat each row as a vector and compute its norm. The result returned as a column vector. Similarly, if OPT is "columns" or "cols" then compute the norms of each column and return a row vector.
Accuracy: The result is a valid enclosure.
norm (infsup (magic (3)), "fro") ⇒ ans ⊂ [16.881, 16.882]
norm (infsup (magic (3)), 1, "cols") ⇒ ans = 1×3 interval vector [15] [15] [15]
See also: @infsup/abs, @infsup/max.
Package: interval