Method on @infsupdec: decorationpart (X)
Method on @infsupdec: decorationpart (X, TYPE)

Return the decoration of the decorated interval X.

The returned value depends on the requested TYPE.

char (default)

The decoration is a cell array of character strings and its size equals the size of its interval part. Possible values: ill, trv, def, dac, com.


The decoration is an array of uint8 numbers and its size equals the size of its interval part. Possible values: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 as defined by IEEE Std 1788-2015, 14.4 Interchange representations and encodings.

x = infsupdec ("[0, 1] [1, inf] [-1, 1]_def [empty]");
decorationpart (x)
  ⇒ ans =
      [1,1] = com
      [1,2] = dac
      [1,3] = def
      [1,4] = trv
decorationpart (x, "uint8")
  ⇒ ans =

      16  12   8   4

See also: @infsupdec/intervalpart.

Package: interval