Function: empty ()
Function: empty (N)
Function: empty (N, M)
Function: empty (N, M, K, ...)
Function: empty ([N M ...])

Return the empty interval.

With additional parameters, create an interval vector/matrix/array, which comprises empty interval entries.

The empty interval [Empty] contains no real numbers. All interval functions return an empty result if the input is either empty or outside of the function’s domain.

The empty interval carries the trivial trv decoration, which denotes that the empty interval cannot be the result of a function evaluation for a nonempty subset of its domain.

Accuracy: The representation of the empty interval is exact.

x = empty ()
  ⇒ x = [Empty]_trv
inf (x)
  ⇒ ans = Inf
sup (x)
  ⇒ ans = -Inf

See also: @infsup/isempty, entire.

Package: interval