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Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function: hull (X1, X2, …)

Create an interval enclosure for a list of parameters.

Parameters can be simple numbers, intervals or interval literals as strings. If needed, broadcasting is performed.

NaNs represent missing values and are treated like empty intervals. Inf and -Inf can be used to create unbound intervals, but note that these values will not be members of the interval. In particular, it is not possible to create an interval with hull (inf).

The result is equivalent to union (infsupdec (X1), union (infsupdec (X2), …)), but computed in a more efficient way. In contrast to the union function, this function is not considered a set operation and the result carries the best possible decoration, which is allowed by the input parameters.

Warning: This function is not defined by IEEE Std 1788-2015 and shall not be confused with the standard’s convexHull function, which is implemented by union.

Accuracy: The result is a tight enclosure.

hull (1, 4, 3, 2)
  ⇒ ans = [1, 4]_com
hull (empty, entire)
  ⇒ ans = [Entire]_trv
hull ("0.1", "pi", "e")
  ⇒ ans ⊂ [0.099999, 3.1416]_com
hull ("[0, 3]", "[4, 7]")
  ⇒ ans = [0, 7]_com

See also: @infsupdec/union.

Package: interval