Function: [L, U] = mpfr_matrix_mul_d (XL, YL, XU, YU)

Compute the matrix product with binary64 numbers and correctly rounded result.

Compute the lower and upper boundary of the matrix multiplication of interval matrices [XL, XU] and [YL, YU].

The result is guaranteed to be tight. That is, the matrix product is evaluated with (virtually) infinite precision and the exact result is approximated with binary64 numbers using directed rounding.

m = magic (3);
[l, u] = mpfr_matrix_mul_d (m, m', m + 1, m' + 1)
 ⇒ l = 
    101    71    53
     71    83    71
     53    71   101
   u = 
    134   104    86
    104   116   104
     86   104   134

See also: mtimes.

Package: interval