Function: [lambda, X, ep] = vereigback (A)

Verified backward error analysis of eigenpairs.

For a square complex (or real) matrix A, this function computes a vector of eigenvalues lambda and a matrix of eigenvectors X in the usual Octave way

[X, L] = eig (A); lambda = diag (L);

and additionally a vector ep with the following property: for each i there exists a matrix, say A[i], verified to satisfy max (max (abs (A - A[i]))) <= ep(i) such that (lambda(i), X(:, i)) is verified to be an exact eigenpair of A[i]. If A, lambda(i), and X(:, i) are real then A[i] can be taken real, otherwise it is complex in general. The maximal value of ep(i) is usually very small (of order 1e-013 to 1e-016), which shows that Octave computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors with great accuracy.

Based on the inequality (3.13) in J. Rohn, A Handbook of Results on Interval Linear Problems, posted at, which also holds for complex eigenpairs (unpublished).

This work was supported by the Czech Republic National Research Program “Information Society”, project 1ET400300415.

See also: eig.

Package: interval