fyp = irsa_dft (xp, yp, fxp, [lm])
Compute Discrete Fourier Transformations of irregular sampled time series
using dft(f) = sum_(k=1)^N
yp[k] * exp(-2*pi*I*
for every f in fxpInput:
xp : Columnvector – sampling points
yp : Matrix with the timeseries values in its columns
fxp : Vector – frequency points for the DFT
lm : Boolean – use lesser memory if 'true' (slower). Default is 'false'.
fyp : Matrix with values of the DFTs in its columns
The following code
N = 100; eqxp = [0:1:N-1].'; mdxp = irsa_mdsp( .8 , .2, N, "randn" ); yp = ones(N,1); hifac = 5; ofac = 1; eqfxp = irsa_dftfp( eqxp, hifac, ofac ); eqfyp = irsa_dft( eqxp, yp, eqfxp ); [eqfxp,idx] = sort( eqfxp ); eqfyp = eqfyp(idx); ## Plot figure(); subplot( 211 ) plot( eqfxp, abs(eqfyp)/N, '-b' ); text(); title( "|DFT| of regular timeseries of ones (with spacing 1 and therefore a Nyquist frequency of 0.5)" ); text( -1.5, 1.1, "The usual comb" ); axis([-2.5,2.5,0,1.2]); legend('off'); mdfxp = irsa_dftfp( mdxp, hifac, ofac ); mdfyp = irsa_dft( mdxp, yp, mdfxp ); [mdfxp,idx] = sort( mdfxp ); mdfyp = mdfyp(idx); subplot( 212 ) plot( mdfxp, abs(mdfyp)/N, '-r' ); text(); title( "|DFT| of irregular timeseries of ones (minimum distance sampling with md = 0.8 and random part = 0.2)" ); text( -1.5, 1.1, "The irregularity destroys the comb" ); text( -0.5,0.3,"blue noise"); text( 0.1,0.3,"blue noise" ); xlabel( "Frequency" ); axis([-2.5,2.5,0,1.2]); legend('off');
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
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