
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: irsa_dftfp.m

[fxp,Nf,fxps,Nfe] = irsa_dft (xp, [hifac], [ofac])

Compute frequency points for the Discrete Fourier Transformations of irregular sampled time series


xp : Columnvector – sampling points

hifac: Scalar – factor for the amount of higher frequencies

ofac : Scalar – factor for the oversampling rate


fxp : Columnvector – frequency points corresponding to the order the DFT or FFT are assuming.

Nf : Scalar – length of fxp (only a convenience)

fxps : Columnvector – frequency points in ascending order

Nfe : Scalar – true (1) if Nf is even or false (0) if not.

Notice: fxps and Nfe are convenient for example for plotting spectra: There you may need the frequency series in a sorted order and you get it with [fxps, shift(fyp, floor(Nf/2) - Nfe)]