mdxp = irsa_mdsp (md, rd, N, [rfunc])
Generate N sampling points with a minimum distance md and an additional random distance rd with random distribution rfunc
md : Scalar – minimum distance
rd : Scalar – mean of the random distance
N : Scalar – number of sampling points to generate
rfunc: String – random distribution function for the random part. Has to take the number of rows as the first and the number of columns as the second argument. Default is 'rand'.
mdxp : Columnvector – sampling points with a minimum distance
The first sampling point is 0 and the last
(N-1)*(md + rd)
The following code
N = 25; eqxp = irsa_mdsp( 1 , 0 , N ); # Should be the same as [0:1:N-1].' mdxp = irsa_mdsp( .2 , .8, N, "randn" ); o = ones(N,1); ## Plot figure(); subplot( 211 ); plot( eqxp, o, '^b', eqxp, o, '*b' ); text(); title(""); title( "Irregular Minimum Distance Sampling versus regular (equidistant) sampling" ); legend('off'); axis ([-0.5,19.5,0,1.5]); text( 5,1.25, 'regular sampling with distance = 1' ); subplot( 212 ); plot( mdxp, o, '^r', mdxp, o, 'xr' ); text; xlabel( "Time" ); text( 5,1.25, 'minimum distance sampling with md = 0.2 and rd = 0.8' ); legend('off'); axis ([-0.5,19.5,0,1.5]);
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
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