NEWS for 'ltfat' Package

Return to the 'ltfat' package

Version 2.3.1

* Two additional matching pursuit variants in multidgtrealmp

* Bug fixes

Version 2.3.0

* New function for computing matching pursuit in DGT: multidgtrealmp

* Matching pursuit and orthogonal matching pursuit for general frames
  (for small problems): franamp

* ltfat_inferno is now the default colormap.

Version 2.2.1

* Added optional debiasing to franalasso.

Version 2.2.0

* New Gabor window generating functions: ptpfun, ptpfundual, pebfun, pebfundual

* Introduced Mulaclab, a GUI for editing time-frequency representations.

* Included new colormaps: ltfat_inferno, ltfat_magma, ltfat_plasma,
						  ltfat_viridis, ltfat_nicecolormap

Version 2.1.2

* Improved functions for DGT and DGTREAL phase reconstruction: constructphase, constructphasereal

Version 2.1.1

* New function for computing higher order phase derivatives: gabphasederiv

* New function doing the adjustable reassignment: gabreassignadjust

* New function for the Gabor transform phase reconstruction: constructphase, constructphasereal

* New filterbank-generating function: audfilters

* New generic quadratic TF distribution function: quadtfdist

* New functions for reading and writing wav files
  (since wavread and wavwrite were removed in Matlab 2015b): wavload, wavsave
  (taken from VOICEBOX

Version 2.1.0

* New general filterbank generating routine: warpedfilters

* New filterbank spectrogram reassignment function: filterbankreassign

* New quadratic time-frequency distributions

* Octave package compiles on Windows (MXE-Octave).

* Better alignment of wavelet filters.

Version 2.0.1

* Included a test suite (test_all_ltfat).

-------- LTFAT 2.0 ---------------------------------------------

Main features of LTFAT 2.0 are the the wavelets module, the frames 
framework and the real-time block processing framework.

Actual news:

* Added dual-tree complex wavelet transform, general dual-tree wavelet 
  filterbanks and $M$-band transforms.

* Blockproc. framework now supports any sampling rate from interval 4-96kHz
  trough on-the-fly resampling in the background. 

* Fixed compilation issue with gcc 4.7.

* Warning is shown if portaudio is not found during package installation.

* Warning is shown if JRE is run in a headless mode during package loading.

Version 1.4.5

* Added franabp - solving a basis pursuit problem 
                  argmin ||c||_1 s.t. Fc = f 
                  for an arbitrary frame 

* Wavelet routines correctly included in the frames framework.

* Added blockwrite method for a blockwise storage of audio data to a wav 

* New demos: demo_blockproc_effects, demo_filterbanks, demo_wavelets, 
      demo_wfbt, demo_bpframemul, demo_phaseret

Version 1.4.4

* New routines for calculating Gabor dual widows using convex optimization

* New block processing demos: sliding CQT and Erblets

Version 1.4.3

* Added chirped Z-transform

* Block processing demos now work in Octave (on Linux)

* New zoomig features for blockplot

Version 1.4.2

* The filterbanks algorithms are now much faster because all the algorithms have been implemented in the C backend
* franalasso can now use the the FISTA algorithm

* A generalization of the Goertzel algorithm "gga" has been added". 

Version 1.4.1

* Major change in the output format from the wfilt_ functions

* Experimental filter backend added to handle filters defined on the
  frequency side.

* Bugs fixed for mex interfaces compilation on Mac

---------- LTFAT 1.4 ------------------------------------------

The major feature of the 1.4 series is that the backend now also works
in single precision. Work on the wavelet toolbox is still ongoing.

---------- LTFAT 1.3 ------------------------------------------

This is a development release. It is fully backwards compatible with
the LTFAT version 1.0 and 1.2 series and contain bugfixes, but the
contents of the "wavelets" subdirectory is in development, and the
interfaces described herein may change during the 1.3 development

---------- LTFAT 1.2 ------------------------------------------

Version 1.2 is backwards comptatible with the 1.0 series, but
introduces the "frames" framework, which is an object-oriented
interface to the various frames in LTFAT. It does not actually use the
object oriented features in Octave / Matlab, instead it uses a simple
struct to keep track of things.

-------- LTFAT 1.0 ---------------------------

The Linear Time-Frequency Analysis Toolbox (LTFAT) is a free software
toolbox (GPLv3) written in the Matlab/Octave scripting language. It
comprises more than 200 different functions in the area of Fourier
analysis, signal processing and time-frequency analysis.

The toolbox can be downloaded from

The toolbox can be used for both educational, research and
computational purposes. It has a backend implemented in C, which can
be compiled to speed up all computational intensive functions.

Package: ltfat