Function: audfilters
AUDFILTERS Generates filters equidistantly spaced on auditory frequency scales
  Usage:  [g,a,fc,L]=audfilters(fs,Ls);

  Input parameters:
     fs    : Sampling rate (in Hz).
     Ls    : Signal length.
  Output parameters:
     g     : Cell array of filters.
     a     : Downsampling rate for each channel.
     fc    : Center frequency of each channel.
     L     : Next admissible length suitable for the generated filters.

  [g,a,fc,L]=AUDFILTERS(fs,Ls) constructs a set of filters g that are
  equidistantly spaced on a perceptual frequency scale (see FREQTOAUD) between
  0 and the Nyquist frequency. The filter bandwidths are proportional to the 
  critical bandwidth of the auditory filters AUDFILTBW. The filters are intended 
  to work with signals with a sampling rate of fs. The signal length Ls is 
  mandatory, since we need to avoid too narrow frequency windows.

  By default the ERB scale is chosen but other frequency scales are
  possible. Currently supported scales are 'erb', 'erb83', 'bark', 'mel'
  and 'mel1000', and can be changed by passing the associated string as 
  an optional parameter. See FREQTOAUD for more information on the
  supported frequency scales.

  By default, a Hann window shape is chosen as prototype frequency 
  response for all filters. The prototype frequency response can be 
  changed by passing any of the window types from FIRWIN or FREQWIN 
  as an optional parameter.

  [g,a,fc,L]=AUDFILTERS(fs,Ls,fmin,fmax) constructs a set of filters 
  between fmin and fmax. The filters are equidistantly spaced on the 
  selected frequency scale. One additional filter will be positioned at 
  the 0 and Nyquist frequencies each, so as to cover the full range of 
  positive frequencies. 
  The values of fmin and fmax can be instead specified using a 
  key/value pair as:


  Default values are fmin=0 and fmax=fs/2. 

  For more details on the construction of the filters, please see the
  given references.

  Downsampling factors

  The integer downsampling rates of the channels must all divide the
  signal length, FILTERBANK will only work for input signal lengths
  being multiples of the least common multiple of the downsampling rates.
  See the help of FILTERBANKLENGTH. 
  The fractional downsampling rates restrict the filterbank to a single
  length L=Ls.

  [g,a]=AUDFILTERS(...,'regsampling') constructs a non-uniform
  filterbank with integer subsampling factors.

  [g,a]=AUDFILTERS(...,'uniform') constructs a uniform filterbank
  where the integer downsampling rate is the same for all the channels. This
  results in most redundant representation which produces nice plots.

  [g,a]=AUDFILTERS(...,'fractional') constructs a filterbank with
  fractional downsampling rates a. 
  This results in the least redundant system.

  [g,a]=AUDFILTERS(...,'fractionaluniform') constructs a filterbank with
  fractional downsampling rates a, which are uniform for all filters
  except the "filling" low-pass and high-pass filters which can have different
  fractional downsampling rates. This is useful when uniform subsampling
  and low redundancy at the same time are desirable.

  Additional parameters

  AUDFILTERS accepts the following optional parameters:

    'spacing',b     Specify the spacing between the filters, measured in
                    scale units. Default value is b=1 for the scales
                    'erb', 'erb83' and 'bark'; the default is b=100 for
                    'mel' and 'mel1000'.

    'bwmul',bwmul   Bandwidth of the filters relative to the bandwidth
                    returned by AUDFILTBW. Default value is bwmul=1 for 
                    the scales 'erb', 'erb83' and 'bark'; the default is 
                    b=100 for 'mel' and 'mel1000'.

    'redmul',redmul  Redundancy multiplier. Increasing the value of this
                     will make the system more redundant by lowering the
                     channel downsampling rates. It is only used if the
                     filterbank is a non-uniform filterbank. Default
                     value is 1. If the value is less than one, the
                     system may no longer be painless.

    'redtar',redtar Target redundancy. The downsampling factors will be
                    adjusted to achieve a redundancy as close as possible
                    to 'redtar'.

    'M',M           Specify the total number of filters between fmin and 
                    fmax. If this parameter is specified, it overwrites the
                    'spacing' parameter.

    'symmetric'     Create filters that are symmetric around their centre
                    frequency. This is the default.

    'warped'        Create asymmetric filters that are asymmetric on the
                    auditory scale. 

    'complex'       Construct a filterbank that covers the entire
                    frequency range instead of just the positive 
                    frequencies this allows the analysis of complex
                    valued signals.

    'trunc_at'      When using a prototype defined in FREQWIN, a hard 
                    thresholding of the filters at the specified threshold 
                    value is performed to reduce their support size. 
                    The default value is trunc_at=10e-5. When no 
                    truncation is desired, trunc_at=0 should be chosen.
                    This value is ignored when a prototype shape from
                    FIRWIN was chosen.

    'min_win',min_win     Minimum admissible window length (in samples).
                          Default is 4. This restrict the windows not
                          to become too narrow when L is low.


  In the first example, we construct a highly redudant uniform
  filterbank on the ERB scale and visualize the result:

    [f,fs]=greasy;  % Get the test signal

  In the second example, we construct a non-uniform filterbank with
  fractional sampling that works for this particular signal length, and
  test the reconstruction. The plot displays the response of the
  filterbank to verify that the filters are well-behaved both on a
  normal and an ERB-scale. The second plot shows frequency responses of
  filters used for analysis (top) and synthesis (bottom). :

    [f,fs]=greasy;  % Get the test signal

    % Plot the response


    % Plot frequency responses of individual filters


    T. Necciari, P. Balazs, N. Holighaus, and P. L. Soendergaard. The ERBlet
    transform: An auditory-based time-frequency representation with perfect
    reconstruction. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on
    Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2013), pages 498--502,
    Vancouver, Canada, May 2013. IEEE.
    T. Necciari, N. Holighaus, P. Balazs, Z. Průša, P. Majdak, and
    O. Derrien. Audlet filter banks: A versatile analysis/synthesis
    framework using auditory frequency scales. Applied Sciences, 8(1),
    2018. [1]http ]


See also: filterbank, ufilterbank, ifilterbank, ceil23.

Package: ltfat