Function: blockframeaccel
BLOCKFRAMEACCEL Precompute structures for block processing
  Usage: F = blockframeaccel(F,Lb);

  F=BLOCKFRAMEACCEL(F,Lb) has to be called for each frame object prior to
  entering the main loop where BLOCKANA and BLOCKSYN are called.
  The function works entirely like FRAMEACCEL but in addition, it prepares
  structures for the processing of a consecutive stream of blocks.

     'sliwin',sliwin   : Slicing window. sliwin have to be a window
                           of length 2Lb or a string accepted
                           by the FIRWIN function. It is used only in
                           the slicing window approach. The default is 

     'zpad',zpad   : Number of zero samples the block will be padded
                       after it is windowed by a slicing window. This
                       does not affect the synthesis windowing.


Package: ltfat