Function: blockframepairaccel
BLOCKFRAMEPAIRACCEL Precompute structures for block processing
  Usage: F = blockframepairaccel(Fa,Fs,Lb);

  [Fao,Fso]=BLOCKFRAMEPAIRACCEL(Fa,Fs,Lb) works similar to 
  BLOCKFRAMEACCEL with a pair of frames. The only difference from
  calling BLOCKFRAMEACCEL separatelly for each frame is correct
  default choice of the slicing windows. Frame objects Fa,Fs will be
  accelerated for length 2*Lb.

  The following optional arguments are recognized:

     'anasliwin',anasliwin  : Analysis slicing window. sliwin have to
                                be a window of length 2Lb or a string 
                                accepted by the FIRWIN function. It is
                                used only in the slicing window approach.
                                The default is 'hann'.

     'synsliwin',synsliwin  : Synthesis slicing window. The same as the
                                previous one holds. The default is 'rect'.

     'zpad',zpad   : Number of zero samples the block will be padded
                       after it is windowed by a slicing window. Note the
                       frames will be accelerated for length


Package: ltfat