Function: cqt
CQT  Constant-Q non-stationary Gabor filterbank
  Usage: [c,Ls,g,shift,M] = cqt(f,fmin,fmax,bins,fs,M)
         [c,Ls,g,shift,M] = cqt(f,fmin,fmax,bins,fs)
         [c,Ls,g,shift] = cqt(...)
         [c,Ls] = cqt(...)
         c = cqt(...)

  Input parameters: 
        f         : The signal to be analyzed (For multichannel
                    signals, input should be a matrix which each
                    column storing a channel of the signal).
        fmin      : Minimum frequency (in Hz)
        fmax      : Maximum frequency (in Hz)
        bins      : Vector consisting of the number of bins per octave
        fs        : Sampling rate (in Hz)
        M         : Number of time channels (optional)
                    If M is constant, the output is converted to a
  Output parameters:
        c         : Transform coefficients (matrix or cell array)
        Ls        : Original signal length (in samples)
        g         : Cell array of Fourier transforms of the analysis 
        shift     : Vector of frequency shifts
        M         : Number of time channels

  This function computes a constant-Q transform via non-stationary Gabor
  filterbanks. Given the signal f, the constant-Q parameters fmin,
  fmax and bins, as well as the sampling rate fs of f, the
  corresponding constant-Q coefficients c are given as output. For
  reconstruction, the length of f and the filterbank parameters can
  be returned also.

  The transform produces phase-locked coefficients in the
  sense that each filter is considered to be centered at
  0 and the signal itself is modulated accordingly.

  Optional input arguments arguments can be supplied like this:

  The arguments must be character strings followed by an

    'min_win',min_win        Minimum admissible window length 
                             (in samples) 

    'Qvar',Qvar              Bandwidth variation factor

    'M_fac',M_fac            Number of time channels are rounded to 
                             multiples of this

    'winfun',winfun          Filter prototype (see FIRWIN for available 
    'fractional'             Allow fractional shifts and bandwidths


  The following example shows analysis and synthesis with CQT and ICQT:

    [f,fs] = gspi;
    fmin = 200;
    fmax = fs/2;
    [c,Ls,g,shift,M] = cqt(f,fmin,fmax,48,fs);
    fr = icqt(c,g,shift,Ls);
    rel_err = norm(f-fr)/norm(f);

    N. Holighaus, M. Doerfler, G. A. Velasco, and T. Grill. A framework for
    invertible, real-time constant-Q transforms. IEEE Transactions on
    Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 21(4):775 --785, 2013.
    G. A. Velasco, N. Holighaus, M. Doerfler, and T. Grill. Constructing an
    invertible constant-Q transform with non-stationary Gabor frames.
    Proceedings of DAFX11, 2011.


See also: icqt, firwin.

Package: ltfat