Function: demo_audiocompression
DEMO_AUDIOCOMPRESSION  Audio compression using N-term approx

  This demos shows how to do audio compression using best N-term
  approximation of an WMDCT transform.

  The signal is transformed using an orthonormal WMDCT transform.
  Then approximations with a fixed number N of coefficients are obtained

     Linear approximation: The N coefficients with lowest frequency
      index are kept.

     Non-linear approximation: The N largest coefficients (in
      magnitude) are kept.

  The corresponding approximated signal can be computed using IWMDCT.

  Figure 1: Rate-distorition plot

     The figure shows the output Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) as a function
     of the number of retained coefficients.

  Note: The inverse WMDCT is not needed for computing computing
  SNRs. Instead Parseval theorem states that the norm of a signal equals
  the norm of the sequence of its WMDCT coefficients.


Package: ltfat