Function: demo_audioshrink
DEMO_AUDIOSHRINK  Decomposition into tonal and transient parts

  This demos shows how to do audio coding and "tonal + transient"
  decomposition using group lasso shrinkage of two WMDCT transforms
  with different time-frequency resolutions.

  The signal is transformed using two orthonormal WMDCT bases.
  Then group lasso shrinkage is applied to the two transforms
  in order to:

     select fixed frequency lines of large WMDCT coefficients on the
      wide window WMDCT transform

     select fixed time lines of large WMDCT coefficients on the
      narrow window WMDCT transform

  The corresponding approximated signals are computed with the
  corresponding inverse, IWMDCT.

  Figure 1: Plots and time-frequency images

     The upper plots in the figure show the tonal parts of the signal, the
     lower plots show the transients. The TF-plots on the left are the
     corresponding wmdct coefficients found by appropriate group lasso

  Corresponding reconstructed tonal and transient sounds may be
  listened from arrays rec1 and rec2 (sampling rate: 44.1 kHz)


Package: ltfat