DEMO_WFBT Auditory filterbanks built using filterbank tree structures This demo shows two specific constructions of wavelet filterbank trees using several M-band filterbanks with possibly different M (making the thee non-homogenous) in order to approximate auditory frequency bands and a musical scale respectively. Both wavelet trees produce perfectly reconstructable non-redundant representations. The constructions are the following: 1) Auditory filterbank, approximately dividing the frequency band into intervals reminisent of the bask scale. 2) Musical filterbank, approximately dividing the freq. band into intervals reminicent of the well-tempered musical scale. Shapes of the trees were taken from fig. 8 and fig. 9 from the refernece. Sampling frequency of the test signal is 48kHz as used in the article. Figure 1: Frequency responses of the auditory filterbank. Both axes are in logarithmic scale. Figure 2: TF plot of the test signal using the auditory filterbank. Figure 3: Frequency responses of the musical filterbank. Both axes are in logarithmic scale. Figure 4: TF plot of the test signal using the musical filterbank. References: F. Kurth and M. Clausen. Filter bank tree and M-band wavelet packet algorithms in audio signal processing. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 47(2):549--554, Feb 1999.
Package: ltfat