Function: dgtreal
DGTREAL  Discrete Gabor transform for real-valued signals
  Usage:  c=dgtreal(f,g,a,M);

  Input parameters:
        f     : Input data
        g     : Window function.
        a     : Length of time shift.
        M     : Number of modulations.
        L     : Length of transform to do.
  Output parameters:
        c     : M*N array of coefficients.
        Ls    : Length of input signal.

  DGTREAL(f,g,a,M) computes the Gabor coefficients (also known as a
  windowed Fourier transform) of the real-valued input signal f with
  respect to the real-valued window g and parameters a and M. The
  output is a vector/matrix in a rectangular layout.

  As opposed to DGT only the coefficients of the positive frequencies
  of the output are returned. DGTREAL will refuse to work for complex
  valued input signals.

  The length of the transform will be the smallest multiple of a and M*
  that is larger than the signal. f will be zero-extended to the length of
  the transform. If f is a matrix, the transformation is applied to each
  column. The length of the transform done can be obtained by

  The window g may be a vector of numerical values, a text string or a
  cell array. See the help of GABWIN for more details.

  DGTREAL(f,g,a,M,L) computes the Gabor coefficients as above, but does
  a transform of length L. f will be cut or zero-extended to length L before
  the transform is done.

  [c,Ls]=DGTREAL(f,g,a,M) or [c,Ls]=DGTREAL(f,g,a,M,L) additionally
  returns the length of the input signal f. This is handy for


  will reconstruct the signal f no matter what the length of f is, provided
  that gd is a dual window of g.

  [c,Ls,g]=DGTREAL(...) additionally outputs the window used in the
  transform. This is useful if the window was generated from a description
  in a string or cell array.

  See the help on DGT for the definition of the discrete Gabor
  transform. This routine will return the coefficients for channel
  frequencies from 0 to floor(M/2).

  DGTREAL takes the following flags at the end of the line of input

    'freqinv'  Compute a DGTREAL using a frequency-invariant phase. This
               is the default convention described in the help for DGT.

    'timeinv'  Compute a DGTREAL using a time-invariant phase. This
               convention is typically used in filter bank algorithms.

  DGTREAL can be used to manually compute a spectrogram, if you
  want full control over the parameters and want to capture the output

    f=greasy;  % Input test signal
    fs=16000;  % The sampling rate of this particular test signal
    a=10;      % Downsampling factor in time
    M=200;     % Total number of channels, only 101 will be computed

    % Compute the coefficients using a 20 ms long Hann window

    % Visualize the coefficients as a spectrogram
    dynrange=90; % 90 dB dynamical range for the plotting

    K. Groechenig. Foundations of Time-Frequency Analysis. Birkhauser, 2001.
    H. G. Feichtinger and T. Strohmer, editors. Gabor Analysis and
    Algorithms. Birkhauser, Boston, 1998.


See also: dgt, idgtreal, gabwin, dwilt, gabtight, plotdgtreal.

Package: ltfat