DSTI Discrete Sine Transform type I Usage: c=dsti(f); c=dsti(f,L); c=dsti(f,[],dim); c=dsti(f,L,dim); DSTI(f) computes the discrete sine transform of type I of the input signal f. If f is multi-dimensional, the transformation is applied along the first non-singleton dimension. DSTI(f,L) zero-pads or truncates f to length L before doing the transformation. DSTI(f,[],dim) or DSTI(f,L,dim) applies the transformation along dimension dim. The transform is real (output is real if input is real) and orthonormal. This transform is its own inverse. Let f be a signal of length L and let c=DSTI(f). Then L-1 c(n+1) = sqrt(2/(L+1)) * sum sin(pi*(n+1)*(m+1)/(L+1)) m=0 The implementation of this functions uses a simple algorithm that requires an FFT of length 2N+2, which might potentially be the product of a large prime number. This may cause the function to sometimes execute slowly. If guaranteed high speed is a concern, please consider using one of the other DST transforms. Examples: --------- The following figures show the first 4 basis functions of the DSTI of length 20: % The dsti is its own adjoint. F=dsti(eye(20)); for ii=1:4 subplot(4,1,ii); stem(F(:,ii)); end; References: K. Rao and P. Yip. Discrete Cosine Transform, Algorithms, Advantages, Applications. Academic Press, 1990. M. V. Wickerhauser. Adapted wavelet analysis from theory to software. Wellesley-Cambridge Press, Wellesley, MA, 1994.
Url: http://ltfat.github.io/doc/fourier/dsti.html
See also: dcti, dstiii, dstiv.
Package: ltfat