Function: dtwfb2filterbank
DTWFB2FILTERBANK DTWFB equivalent non-iterated filterbank
  Usage: [g,a] = dtwfb2filterbank(dualwt)
         [g,a,info] = dtwfb2filterbank(...)

  Input parameters:
     dualwt : Dual-tree wavelet filterbank specification.

  Output parameters:
     g      : Cell array of filters.
     a      : Downsampling rate for each channel.
     info   : Additional information.

  [g,a] = DTWFB2FILTERBANK(dualwt) constructs a set of filters g and
  subsampling factors a of a non-iterated filterbank, which is 
  equivalent to the dual-tree wavelet filterbank defined by dualwt. 
  The returned parameters can be used directly in FILTERBANK and other
  routines. The format of dualwt is the same as in DTWFB and 

  The function internally calls DTWFBINIT and passes dualwt and all
  additional parameters to it.

  [g,a,info] = DTWFB2FILTERBANK(...) additionally outputs a info*
  struct containing equivalent filterbanks of individual real-valued
  trees as fields info.g1 and info.g2.

  Additional parameters:

     By default, the function returns a filtebank equivalent to DTWFB.
     The filters can be restricted to cover only the positive frequencies
     and to be equivivalent to DTWFBREAL by passing a 'real' flag. 

    The filters are ordered to produce subbands in the same order as 
    DTWFB or DTWFBREAL with the same flag.


  The following two examples create a multirate identity filterbank
  using a duel-tree of depth 3:

     [g,a] = dtwfb2filterbank({'qshift3',3},'real');

  In the second example, the filterbank is identical to the full
  wavelet tree:

     [g,a] = dtwfb2filterbank({'qshift3',3,'full'},'real');


See also: dtwfbinit.

Package: ltfat