Function: dtwfbreal
DTWFBREAL Dual-Tree Wavelet FilterBank for real-valued signals
  Usage:  c=dtwfbreal(f,dualwt);

  Input parameters:
        f      : Input data.
        dualwt : Dual-tree Wavelet Filterbank definition.

  Output parameters:
        c    : Coefficients stored in a cell-array.
        info : Additional transform parameters struct.

  c=dtwfbtreal(f,dualwt) computes dual-tree complex wavelet coefficients 
  of the real-valued signal f. The representation is approximately 
  time-invariant and provides analytic behavior. Due to these facts, 
  the resulting subbands are nearly aliasing free making them suitable 
  for severe coefficient modifications. The representation is two times
  redundant, provided critical subsampling of all involved filterbanks,
  but one half of the coefficients is complex conjugate of the other.

  The shape of the filterbank tree and filters used is controlled by 
  dualwt (for possible formats see below). The output c is a 
  cell-array with each element containing a single subband. The subbands 
  are ordered with increasing subband center frequency. 

  In addition, the function returns struct. info containing transform 
  parameters. It can be conviniently used for the inverse transform
  IDTWFBREAL e.g. fhat = iDTWFBREAL(c,info). It is also required by
  the PLOTWAVELETS function.

  If f is a matrix, the transform is applied to each column.

  Two formats of dualwt are accepted:

  1) Cell array of parameters. First two elements of the array are 
     mandatory {dualw,J}. 

        Basic dual-tree filters
        Number of levels of the filterbank tree

     Possible formats of dualw are the same as in FWTINIT except the
     wfiltdt_ prefix is used when searching for function specifying
     the actual impulse responses. These filters were designed specially
     for the dual-tree filterbank to achieve the half-sample shift 
     ultimatelly resulting in analytic (complex) behavior of the 
     The default shape of the filterbank tree is DWT i.e. only low-pass
     output is decomposed further (*J times in total).

     Different filterbank tree shapes can be obtained by passing
     additional flag in the cell array. Supported flags (mutually
     exclusive) are:

        Plain DWT tree (default). This gives one band per octave freq. 
        resolution when using 2 channel basic wavelet filterbank.

        Full filterbank tree. Both (all) basic filterbank outputs are
        decomposed further up to depth J achieving linear frequency band

        The filterbank is designed such that it mimics 4-band, 8-band or
        16-band complex wavelet transform provided the basic filterbank
        is 2 channel. In this case, J is treated such that it defines 
        number of levels of 4-band, 8-band or 16-band transform.

     The dual-tree wavelet filterbank can use any basic wavelet
     filterbank in the first stage of both trees, provided they are 
     shifted by 1 sample (done internally). A custom first stage 
     filterbank can be defined by passing the following
     key-value pair in the cell array:

        w defines a regular basic filterbank. Accepted formats are the
        same as in FWTINIT assuming the wfilt_ prefix.

     Similarly, when working with a filterbank tree containing
     decomposition of high-pass outputs, some filters in both trees must
     be replaced by a regular basic filterbank in order to achieve the
     aproximatelly analytic behavior. A custom filterbank can be
     specified by passing another key-value pair in the cell array:

        w defines a regular basic filterbank. Accepted formats are the
        same as in FWTINIT assuming the wfilt_ prefix.      

  2) Another possibility is to pass directly a struct. returned by 
     DTWFBINIT and possibly modified by WFBTREMOVE. 

  Optional args.:

  In addition, the following flag groups are supported:

     Frequency or natural (Paley) ordering of coefficient subbands.
     By default, subbands are ordered according to frequency. The natural
     ordering is how the subbands are obtained from the filterbank tree
     without modifications. The ordering differ only in non-plain DWT

  Boundary handling:

  In contrast with FWT, WFBT and WPFBT, this function supports
  periodic boundary handling only.

  A simple example of calling the DTWFBREAL function using the regular
  DWT iterated filterbank. The second figure shows a magnitude frequency
  response of an identical filterbank.:

    [f,fs] = greasy;
    J = 6;
    [c,info] = dtwfbreal(f,{'qshift3',J});
    [g,a] = dtwfb2filterbank({'qshift3',J},'real');

  The second example shows a decomposition using a full filterbank tree
  of depth J*:

    [f,fs] = greasy;
    J = 5;
    [c,info] = dtwfbreal(f,{'qshift4',J,'full'});
    [g,a] = dtwfb2filterbank({'qshift4',J,'full'},'real');

    I. Selesnick, R. Baraniuk, and N. Kingsbury. The dual-tree complex
    wavelet transform. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE, 22(6):123 -- 151,
    nov. 2005.
    N. Kingsbury. Complex wavelets for shift invariant analysis and
    filtering of signals. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis,
    10(3):234 -- 253, 2001.
    I. Bayram and I. Selesnick. On the dual-tree complex wavelet packet and
    m-band transforms. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on,
    56(6):2298--2310, June 2008.


See also: dtwfb, idtwfbreal, plotwavelets, dtwfb2filterbank.

Package: ltfat