Function: expchirp
EXPCHIRP  Exponential chirp
  Usage: outsig=expchirp(L,fstart,fend)

  EXPCHIRP(L,fstart,fend) computes an exponential chirp of length L*
  starting at frequency fstart and ending at frequency fend. The
  freqencies are assumed to be normalized to the Nyquist frequency.

  EXPCHIRP takes the following parameters at the end of the line of input

    'fs',fs    Use a sampling frequency of fs Hz. If this option is
               specified, fstart and fend will be measured in Hz.

    'phi',phi  Starting phase of the chirp. Default value is 0.

    'fc',fc    Shift the chirp by fc in frequency. Default values is 0.


See also: pchirp.

Package: ltfat