Function: filterbankrealbounds
FILTERBANKREALBOUNDS  Frame bounds of filter bank for real signals only
  Usage: fcond=filterbankrealbounds(g,a,L);

  FILTERBANKREALBOUNDS(g,a,L) calculates the ratio B/A of the frame
  bounds of the filterbank specified by g and a for a system of length
  L. The ratio is a measure of the stability of the system.  Use this
  function on the common construction where the filters in g only covers
  the positive frequencies.

  FILTERBANKREALBOUNDS(g,a) does the same, but the filters must be FIR
  filters, as the transform length is unspecified. L will be set to 
  next suitable length equal or bigger than the longest impulse response
  such that L=filterbanklength(gl_longest,a).

  [A,B]=FILTERBANKREALBOUNDS(g,a) returns the lower and upper frame
  bounds explicitly.


See also: filterbank, filterbankdual.

Package: ltfat