Function: filterbankrealtight
FILTERBANKREALTIGHT  Tight filters of filterbank for real signals only 
  Usage:  gt=filterbankrealtight(g,a,L);

  filterabankrealtight(g,a,L) computes the canonical tight filters of 
  g for a channel subsampling rate of a (hop-size) and a system 
  length L. L must be compatible with subsampling rate a as 
  L==filterbanklength(L,a). The tight filters work only for real-valued
  signals. Use this function on the common construction where the filters
  in g only covers the positive frequencies.

  filterabankrealtight(g,a) does the same, but the filters must be FIR
  filters, as the transform length is unspecified. L will be set to 
  next suitable length equal or bigger than the longest impulse response.  

  The format of the filters g are described in the help of FILTERBANK.

  REMARK: The resulting system is tight for length L. In some cases, 
  using tight system calculated for shorter L might work but check the
  reconstruction error.


See also: filterbank, ufilterbank, ifilterbank.

Package: ltfat