Function: filterbankscale
FILTERBANKSCALE Scale filters in filterbank
  Usage:  g=filterbankscale(g,scal)

  g=FILTERBANKSCALE(g,scal) scales each filter in g by multiplying it
  with scal. scal can be either scalar or a vector of the same length
  as g. The function only works with filterbanks already instantiated
  (returned from a function with a filter (of filters) suffix or run
  trough FILTERBANKWIN) such that the elements of g must be either structs
  with .h or .H fields or be plain numeric vectors.

  g=FILTERBANKSCALE(g,'flag') instead normalizes each filter to have
  unit norm defined by 'flag'. It can be any of the flags recognized by
  NORMALIZE. The  normalization is done in the time domain by default.
  The normalization can be done in frequency by passing extra flag 'freq'.

  g=FILTERBANKSCALE(g,L,'flag') works as before, but some filters require
  knowing L to be instantialized to obtain their norm. The normalization
  will be valid for the lengh L only.

  [g,scal]=FILTERBANKSCALE(g,...) additionally returns a vector scal 
  which contains scaling factors used.

  In any case, the returned filters will be in exactly the same format as
  the input filters.


Package: ltfat