Function: franabp
FRANABP Frame Analysis Basis Pursuit
  Usage: c = franabp(F,f)
         c = franabp(F,f,lambda,C,tol,maxit)
         [c,relres,iter,frec,cd] = franabp(...)

  Input parameters:
      F        : Frame definition
      f        : Input signal
      lambda   : Regularisation parameter.
      C        : Step size of the algorithm.
      tol      : Reative error tolerance.
      maxit    : Maximum number of iterations.
  Output parameters:
      c        : Sparse coefficients.
      relres   : Last relative error.
      iter     : Number of iterations done.
      frec     : Reconstructed signal such that frec = frsyn(F,c)
      cd       : The min c||_2 solution using the canonical dual frame.

  c = FRANABP(F,f) solves the basis pursuit problem

     argmin ||c||_1 subject to Fc = f

  for a general frame F using SALSA (Split Augmented Lagrangian
  Srinkage algorithm) which is an appication of ADMM (Alternating
  Direction Method of Multipliers) to the basis pursuit problem.

  The algorithm given F and f and parameters C >0, lambda >0 
  (see below) acts as follows:

    Initialize c,d
      v <- soft(c+d,lambda/C) - d
      d <- F*(FF*)^(-1)(f - Fv)
      c <- d + v

  When compared to other algorithms, Fc = f holds exactly (up to a num.
  prec) in each iteration.

  For a quick execution, the function requires analysis operator of the
  canonical dual frame F*(FF*)^(-1). By default, the function attempts
  to call FRAMEDUAL to create the canonical dual frame explicitly.
  If it is not available, the conjugate gradient method algorithm is
  used for inverting the frame operator in each iteration of the
  Optionally, the canonical dual frame object or an anonymous function 
  acting as the analysis operator of the canonical dual frame can be 
  passed as a key-value pair 'Fd',Fd see below. 

  Optional positional parameters (lambda,C,tol,maxit)

      A parameter for weighting coefficients in the objective
      function. For lambda~=1 the basis pursuit problem changes to

         argmin ||lambda c||_1 subject to Fc = f

      lambda can either be a scalar or a vector of the same length
      as c (in such case the product is carried out elementwise). 
      One can obtain length of c from length of f by
      help with defining weights specific to some regions of
      coefficients (e.g. channel-specific weighting can be achieved
      this way).           
      The default value of lambda is 1.

     A step parameter of the SALSA algorithm. 
     The default value of C is the upper frame bound of F. 
     Depending on the structure of the frame, this can be an expensive

     Defines tolerance of relres which is a norm or a relative
     difference of coefficients obtained in two consecutive iterations
     of the algorithm.
     The default value 1e-2.

     Maximum number of iterations to do.
     The default value is 100.

  Other optional parameters

  Key-value pairs:

     A canonical dual frame object or an anonymous function 
     acting as the analysis operator of the canonical dual frame.

     Print current status every printstep iteration.

  Flag groups (first one listed is the default):

      Enables/disables printing of notifications.

     Starting point of the algorithm. With 'zeros' enabled, the
     algorithm starts from coefficients set to zero, with 'frana'
     the algorithm starts from c=frana(F,f).             

  Returned arguments:

  [c,relres,iter] = FRANABP(...) returns the residuals relres in a
  vector and the number of iteration steps done iter.

  [c,relres,iter,frec,cd] = FRANABP(...) returns the reconstructed
  signal from the coefficients, frec (this requires additional
  computations) and a coefficients cd minimising the c||_2 norm
  (this is a byproduct of the algorithm).

  The relationship between the output coefficients frec and c is
  given by :

    frec = frsyn(F,c);

  And cd and f by :

    cd = frana(framedual(F),f);


  The following example shows how FRANABP produces a sparse
  representation of a test signal greasy still maintaining a perfect

     f = greasy;
     % Gabor frame with redundancy 8
     F = frame('dgtreal','gauss',64,512);
     % Solve the basis pursuit problem
     [c,~,~,frec,cd] = franabp(F,f);
     % Plot sparse coefficients

     % Plot coefficients obtained by applying an analysis operator of a
     % dual Gabor system to f*

     % Check the reconstruction error (should be close do zero).
     % frec is obtained by applying the synthesis operator of frame F*
     % to sparse coefficients c.

     % Compare decay of coefficients sorted by absolute values
     % (compressibility of coefficients)
     legend({'sparsified coefficients','dual system coefficients'});

    S. Boyd, N. Parikh, E. Chu, B. Peleato, and J. Eckstein. Distributed
    optimization and statistical learning via the alternating direction
    method of multipliers. Found. Trends Mach. Learn., 3(1):1--122, Jan.
    2011. [1]http ]
    I. Selesnick. L1-Norm Penalized Least Squares with SALSA. OpenStax_CNX,
    Jan. 2014.


See also: frame, frana, frsyn, framebounds, franalasso.

Package: ltfat