FREQWIN Frequency response window Usage: H = freqwin(name,L,bw); FREQWIN(name,L,bw) returns a frequency window name of length L with the mainlobe -6dB (half height) bandwidth bw. It is intended to represent frequency response of a band-pass filter/window with bandwidth bw. The bandwidth is given in normalised frequencies. The function is not periodically wrapped should it be nonzero outside of the L samples (as opposed to e.g. PGAUSS). The following windows can be used in place of name*: 'gauss' Gaussian window 'gammatone' Gammatone window. The default order is 4. Custom order can be set by {'gammatone',order}. 'butterworth' Butterworth window. The default order is 4. Custom order can be set by {'butterworth',order}. FREQWIN(name,L,bw,fs) does the same as above except bw is expected to be in Hz given sampling frequency fs. FREQWIN understands the following key-value pairs and flags at the end of the list of input parameters: 'fs',fs If the sampling frequency fs is specified then the bw* is expected to be in Hz. 'shift',s Shift the window by s samples. The value can be a fractional number. 'wp' Output is whole point even. This is the default. It corresponds to a shift of s=0. 'hp' Output is half point even, as most Matlab filter routines. This corresponds to a shift of s=-.5 Additionally, the function accepts flags to normalize the output. Please see the help of NORMALIZE. Default is to use 'peak' normalization.
See also: firwin, normalize, plotfft.
Package: ltfat