Function: frgramian
FRGRAMIAN Frame Gramian operator
  Usage:  o=frgramian(c, F);
          o=frgramian(c, Fa, Fs);

  Input parameters:
         c    : Input coefficients
         Fa   : Analysis frame
         Fs   : Synthesis frame

  Output parameters: 
         o    : Output coefficients
  o=FRGRAMIAN(c,F) applies the Gramian operator or Gram matrix of the 
  frame F. The entries of the Gram matrix are the inner products of the 
  frame elements of F. The frame must have been created using FRAME.
  If the frame F is a Parseval frame, the Gramian operator is a projection 
  onto the range of the frame analysis operator.

  o=FRGRAMIAN(c, Fa, Fs) applies the (cross) Gramian operator with the 
  frames Fa and Fs. Here Fs is the frame associated with the frame
  synthesis operator and Fa the frame that is associated with the 
  frame analysis operator. The entries of the matrix that is constructed
  through the Gramian operator are the inner products of the frame 
  elements of Fa and Fs.
  If Fa and Fs are canonical dual frames, the Gramian operator is a 
  projection onto the range of the frame analysis operator.


Package: ltfat