Function: gabfirtight
GABFIRTIGHT  Compute FIR tight window
  Usage: gt=gabfirtight(Lsupport,g,a,M);
         gt=gabfirtight(Lsupport,g,a,M, varagin);

  Input parameters:
    Lsupport  : Length of the tight window
    g      : Initial window function
    a      : Time shift
    M      : Number of Channels

  Output parameters:
    gt     : Tight window

  GABFIRTIGHT(Lsupport,g,a,M) computes an FIR window gd which is tight. 
  The FIR dual window will be supported on Lsupport samples.

  This function solve a convex optimization problem that can be written

     gd  = argmin_x    ||alpha x||_1 +  ||beta Fx||_1  

                     + ||omega (x -g_l) ||_2^2 + delta ||x ||_S0

                     + gamma ||nabla F x ||_2^2 + mu ||nabla x ||_2^2

         such that  x is a tight FIR windows

  *Note**: This function require the unlocbox. You can download it at

  The function uses an iterative algorithm to compute the approximate
  FIR tight windows. Warning The algorithm solve a non convex problem and
  might be stack in bad local minima. The algorithm can be controlled by
  the following flags: 

    'alpha',alpha  Weight in time. If it is a scalar, it represent the
                 weights of the entire L1 function in time. If it is a 
                 vector, it is the associated weight assotiated to each
                 component of the L1 norm (length: Ldual).
                 Default value is alpha=0.
                 *Warning**: this value should not be too big in order to
                 avoid the the L1 norm proximal operator kill the signal.
                 No L1-time constraint: alpha=0

    'beta',beta  Weight in frequency. If it is a scalar, it represent the
                 weights of the entire L1 function in frequency. If it is a 
                 vector, it is the associated weight assotiated to each
                 component of the L1 norm in frequency. (length: Ldual).
                 Default value is beta=0.
                 *Warning**: this value should not be too big in order to
                 avoid the the L1 norm proximal operator kill the signal.
                 No L1-frequency constraint: beta=0

                 Weight in time of the L2-norm. If it is a scalar,
                 it represent the
                 weights of the entire L2 function in time. If it is a 
                 vector, it is the associated weight assotiated to each
                 component of the L2 norm (length: Ldual).
                 Default value is omega=0.
                 No L2-time constraint: omega=0

    'glike',g_l  g_l is a windows in time. The algorithm try to shape
                 the dual window like g_l. Normalization of g_l is done
                 automatically. To use option omega should be different
                 from 0. By default g_d=0.

    'mu',mu      Weight of the smooth constraint Default value is 1. 
                 No smooth constraint: mu=0
    'gamma',gamma  Weight of the smooth constraint in frequency.
                   Default value is 1. No smooth constraint: gamma=0
    'delta',delta  Weight of the S0-norm. Default value is 0. 
                   No S0-norm: delta=0

    'dual'       Look for a dual windows (default)

    'painless'   Construct a starting guess using a painless-case
                 approximation. This is the default

    'zero'       Choose a starting guess of zero.

    'rand'       Choose a random starting phase.

    'tol',t      Stop if relative residual error is less than the 
                 specified tolerance.  

    'maxit',n    Do at most n iterations. default 200

    'print'      Display the progress.

    'debug'      Display all the progresses.

    'quiet'      Don't print anything, this is the default.

    'fast'       Fast algorithm, this is the default.

    'slow'       Safer algorithm, you can try this if the fast algorithm
                 is not working. Before using this, try to iterate more.

    'printstep',p  If 'print' is specified, then print every p'th
                   iteration. Default value is p=10;

    'hardconstraint' Force the projection at the end (default)

    'softconstaint' Do not force the projection at the end


See also: gaboptdual, gabdual, gabtight, gabfirdual, gabconvexopt.

Package: ltfat