Function: gabframebounds
GABFRAMEBOUNDS  Calculate frame bounds of Gabor frame
  Usage:  fcond=gabframebounds(g,a,M);

  Input parameters:
          g     : The window function.
          a     : Length of time shift.
          M     : Number of channels.
          L     : Length of transform to consider.
          lt    : Lattice type (for non-separable lattices).
  Output parameters:
          fcond : Frame condition number (B/A)
          A,B   : Frame bounds.
  GABFRAMEBOUNDS(g,a,M) calculates the ratio B/A of the frame bounds
  of the Gabor system with window g, and parameters a, M.

  [A,B]=GABFRAMEBOUNDS(...) returns the frame bounds A and B*
  instead of just the ratio.

  The window g may be a vector of numerical values, a text string or a
  cell array. See the help of GABWIN for more details.
  GABFRAMEBOUNDS(g,a,M,L) will cut or zero-extend the window to length

  GABFRAMEBOUNDS(g,a,M,'lt',lt) does the same for a non-separable
  lattice specified by lt. Please see the help of MATRIX2LATTICETYPE
  for a precise description of the parameter lt.


See also: gabrieszbounds, gabwin.

Package: ltfat