Function: gabmixdual
GABMIXDUAL  Computes the mixdual of g1
  Usage: gamma=mixdual(g1,g2,a,M)

  Input parameters:
       g1     : Window 1
       g2     : Window 2
       a      : Length of time shift.
       M      : Number of modulations.

  Output parameters:
       gammaf : Mixdual of window 1.

  GABMIXDUAL(g1,g2,a,M) computes a dual window of g1 from a mix of the
  canonical dual windows of g1 and g2.

    T. Werther, Y. Eldar, and N. Subbana. Dual Gabor Frames: Theory and
    Computational Aspects. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 53(11), 2005.


See also: gabdual, gabprojdual, demo_gabmixdual.

Package: ltfat