Function: gabmul
GABMUL  Apply Gabor multiplier
  Usage:  h=gabmul(f,c,a);

  Input parameters:
        f     : Input signal
        c     : symbol of Gabor multiplier
        g     : analysis/synthesis window
        ga    : analysis window
        gs    : synthesis window
        a     : Length of time shift.
  Output parameters:
        h     : Output signal

  GABMUL has been deprecated. Please use construct a frame multiplier
  and use FRAMEMUL instead.

  A call to GABMUL(f,c,ga,gs,a) can be replaced by :


  Original help:

  GABMUL(f,c,g,a) filters f by a Gabor multiplier determined by
  the symbol c over the rectangular time-frequency lattice determined by
  a and M, where M is deduced from the size of c. The rows of c*
  correspond to frequency, the columns to temporal sampling points.  The
  window g will be used for both analysis and synthesis.

  GABMUL(f,c,a) does the same using an optimally concentrated, tight
  Gaussian as window function.

  GABMUL(f,c,ga,gs,a) does the same using the window ga for analysis
  and gs for synthesis.

  The adjoint operator of GABMUL(f,c,ga,gs,a) is given by


See also: dgt, idgt, gabdual, gabtight.

Package: ltfat