Function: gabmuleigs
GABMULEIGS  Eigenpairs of Gabor multiplier
  Usage:  h=gabmuleigs(K,c,g,a);

  Input parameters:
        K     : Number of eigenvectors to compute.
        c     : symbol of Gabor multiplier
        g     : analysis/synthesis window
        ga    : analysis window
        gs    : synthesis window
        a     : Length of time shift.
  Output parameters:
        V     : Matrix containing eigenvectors.
        D     : Eigenvalues.

  GABMULEIGS has been deprecated. Please use construct a frame multiplier
  and use FRAMEMULEIGS instead.

  A call to GABMULEIGS(K,c,ga,gs,a) can be replaced by :


  Original help:

  GABMULEIGS(K,c,g,a) computes the K largest eigenvalues and eigen-
  vectors of the Gabor multiplier with symbol c and time shift a.  The
  number of channels is deduced from the size of the symbol c.  The
  window g will be used for both analysis and synthesis.

  GABMULEIGS(K,c,ga,gs,a) does the same using the window the window ga*
  for analysis and gs for synthesis.

  GABMULEIGS(K,c,a) does the same using the a tight Gaussian window of
  for analysis and synthesis.

  If K is empty, then all eigenvalues/pairs will be returned.

  GABMULEIGS takes the following parameters at the end of the line of input

    'tol',t      Stop if relative residual error is less than the
                 specified tolerance. Default is 1e-9 

    'maxit',n    Do at most n iterations.

    'iter'       Call eigs to use an iterative algorithm.

    'full'       Call eig to sole the full problem.

    'auto'       Use the full method for small problems and the
                 iterative method for larger problems. This is the

                 Set the problem size for which the 'auto' method
                 switches. Default is 200.

    'print'      Display the progress.

    'quiet'      Don't print anything, this is the default.


See also: gabmul, dgt, idgt, gabdual, gabtight.

Package: ltfat