Function: gabphasegrad
GABPHASEGRAD   Phase gradient of the DGT
  Usage:  [tgrad,fgrad,c] = gabphasegrad('dgt',f,g,a,M);
          [tgrad,fgrad]   = gabphasegrad('phase',cphase,a);
          [tgrad,fgrad]   = gabphasegrad('abs',s,g,a);

  [tgrad,fgrad]=GABPHASEGRAD(method,...) computes the relative 
  time-frequency gradient of the phase of the DGT of a signal. 
  The derivative in time tgrad is the relative instantaneous 
  frequency while the frequency derivative fgrad is the negative
  of the local group delay.

  tgrad is a measure the deviation from the current channel frequency,
  so a value of zero means that the instantaneous frequency is equal to 
  the center frequency of the considered channel, a positive value means
  the true absolute intantaneous frequency is higher than the current 
  channel frequency and vice versa. 
  Similarly, fgrad is a measure of deviation from the current time 

  fgrad is scaled such that distances are measured in samples. Similarly,
  tgrad is scaled such that the Nyquist frequency (the highest possible
  frequency) corresponds to a value of L/2. The absolute time and 
  frequency positions can be obtained as

     tgradabs = bsxfun(@plus,tgrad,fftindex(M)*L/M);
     fgradabs = bsxfun(@plus,fgrad,(0:L/a-1)*a);

  Please note that neither tgrad and fgrad nor tgradabs and 
  fgradabs are true derivatives of the DGT phase. To obtain the true
  phase derivatives, one has to explicitly pass either 'freqinv' or 
  'timeinv' flags and scale both tgrad and fgrad by 2*pi/L.

  The computation of tgrad and fgrad is inaccurate when the absolute
  value of the Gabor coefficients is low. This is due to the fact the the
  phase of complex numbers close to the machine precision is almost
  random. Therefore, tgrad and fgrad may attain very large random values
  when abs(c) is close to zero.

  The computation can be done using four different methods.

    'dgt'    Directly from the signal using algorithm by Auger and

    'phase'  From the phase of a DGT of the signal. This is the
             classic method used in the phase vocoder.

    'abs'    From the absolute value of the DGT. Currently this
             method works only for Gaussian windows.

    'cross'  Directly from the signal using algorithm by Nelson.

  [tgrad,fgrad]=GABPHASEGRAD('dgt',f,g,a,M) computes the time-frequency
  gradient using a DGT of the signal f. The DGT is computed using the
  window g on the lattice specified by the time shift a and the number
  of channels M. The algorithm used to perform this calculation computes
  several DGTs, and therefore this routine takes the exact same input
  parameters as DGT.

  The window g may be specified as in DGT. If the window used is
  'gauss', the computation will be done by a faster algorithm.

  [tgrad,fgrad,c]=GABPHASEGRAD('dgt',f,g,a,M) additionally returns the
  Gabor coefficients c, as they are always computed as a byproduct of the

  [tgrad,fgrad]=GABPHASEGRAD('cross',f,g,a,M) does the same as above
  but this time using algorithm by Nelson which is based on computing 
  several DGTs.

  [tgrad,fgrad]=GABPHASEGRAD('phase',cphase,a) computes the phase
  gradient from the phase cphase of a DGT of the signal. The original DGT
  from which the phase is obtained must have been computed using a
  time-shift of a using the default phase convention ('freqinv') e.g.:


  [tgrad,fgrad]=GABPHASEGRAD('abs',s,g,a) computes the phase gradient
  from the spectrogram s. The spectrogram must have been computed using
  the window g and time-shift a e.g.:


  [tgrad,fgrad]=GABPHASEGRAD('abs',s,g,a,difforder) uses a centered finite
  diffence scheme of order difforder to perform the needed numerical
  differentiation. Default is to use a 4th order scheme.

  Currently the 'abs' method only works if the window g is a Gaussian
  window specified as a string or cell array.

    F. Auger and P. Flandrin. Improving the readability of time-frequency
    and time-scale representations by the reassignment method. IEEE Trans.
    Signal Process., 43(5):1068--1089, 1995.
    E. Chassande-Mottin, I. Daubechies, F. Auger, and P. Flandrin.
    Differential reassignment. Signal Processing Letters, IEEE,
    4(10):293--294, 1997.
    J. Flanagan, D. Meinhart, R. Golden, and M. Sondhi. Phase Vocoder. The
    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 38:939, 1965.
    Z. Průša. STFT and DGT phase conventions and phase derivatives
    interpretation. Technical report, Acoustics Research Institute,
    Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2015.


See also: resgram, gabreassign, dgt.

Package: ltfat