Function: gabreassign
GABREASSIGN  Reassign time-frequency distribution
  Usage:  sr = gabreassign(s,tgrad,fgrad,a);

  GABREASSIGN(s,tgrad,fgrad,a) reassigns the values of the positive
  time-frequency distribution s using the phase gradient given by fgrad*
  and tgrad. The lattice is determined by the time shift a and the 
  number of channels deduced from the size of s.

  fgrad and tgrad can be obtained by the routine GABPHASEGRAD.


  The following example demonstrates how to manually create a
  reassigned spectrogram. An easier way is to just call RESGRAM:

    % Create reassigned vector field of the bat signal.
    a=4; M=100;
    [tgrad, fgrad, c] = gabphasegrad('dgt',bat,'gauss',a,M);

    % Perform the actual reassignment
    sr = gabreassign(abs(c).^2,tgrad,fgrad,a);

    % Display it using plotdgt

    F. Auger and P. Flandrin. Improving the readability of time-frequency
    and time-scale representations by the reassignment method. IEEE Trans.
    Signal Process., 43(5):1068--1089, 1995.


See also: resgram, gabphasegrad.

Package: ltfat